Originally Posted by Ryon
Sorry it took so long to reply im in at home while on break from college and i gotta say dial up sucks.. any how... I cant say why its not working all i know is that it should be, but networking isint really my strongest suit. What i might suggest is to tell us what game it is that you are trying to play so that some one might have the same setup as you do and be able to help. Secondly i would suggest checking on the website for the game and look for a forum there.. I hate to turn people away from twl with out an answer but there you are more likely to find some one with a linksys router and the game you are runinng so that you will be able to find a work around i do ask that if you find a solution elsewere you post how you finally got it working here so that others may use this info
best of luck
Well, I am trying to use GameSpy arcade/Game Tunnel,
I try to host a game with my Xbox, but when the narrator says
"Game Started"
and everyone is supposedly on the same server as me, nothing
happens..no one detects my Xbox....
I've asked around the GameSpy forum, but pretty much everybody on
there is a little kid who just wants to talk sh*t...
But, thanks anyway, I'll figure it out sooner or later.