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SC06 Last Day

Author:  Jason Jacobs
Date:  2006.11.16
Topic:  Trade Shows
Provider:  SC06
Manufacturer:  SC06

Supercomputing 2006 Last Day

Like any trade show the SC06 is drawing to an end. Today saw several events that tie together the SC06 theme. Among the presentations and events are:

The awards session selects recipients for: Best Paper, Best Student Paper, Best Poster, ACM Student Research Competition, Analytics Challenge, Bandwidth Challenge, Storage Challenge, and Gordon Bell Awards will be presented.

SC06 also brought together several "experts" to select technologies that they feel will be at the forefront of technology in 2020. Experts in advanced system technologies will predict the design of the best HPC (High Performance Computing) architectures in 2020. They will defend why they think the technology they select will be the winning technology 15 years from now. The panelists will pick one set of technology - not a list of possibilities - to define the system. They will define the performance and aspects of the technologies and explain why their system is the most likely to succeed.

Besides questions and comments at the sessions, attendees will vote for the proposed systems of 2020 they think are most likely to succeed. The presentations, votes and attendee comments will all be sealed in a time capsule that will be opened in 2020, which will be used in 2020 to compare the predications to reality. The time capsule will also include an appropriate prize for the presenter who made the best prediction. Of course the caveat is that the winner needs to be present to collect their prize in 2020.

SC06 Video: Powerful Beyond Imagination:

SC06 really gives you a feeling that a new generation of powerful supercomputers upon the world. The possibilities for their use is nearly limitless and the themes being presented here cover areas such as, physics, engineering, medicine; from the subatomic to the cosmic. Supercomputers are pushing back old barriers and conventions and are are radically changing many fields exploration across the globe. It begs the question: Are we on the brink of a new Golden Age of Science?



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