Since their release, SSD’s have been targeted towards the enthusiast and enterprise market by offering fast writes and blazing reads. This leaves the majority of consumers and small businesses high and dry. Kingston hopes to remedy this with their new line of solid state drives, the SSDNow V Series. This new iteration targets the “Average Joe” that wants a noticeable upgrade, but doesn’t want to completely rebuild, buy a new machine or spend a ton of money. When Kingston offered TechwareLabs their 128GB model, we gladly jumped at the opportunity to put this new “consumer grade” SSD through its paces. So does the lower price tag mean lower quality or will we find the ideal drive upgrade for everyone?
Kingston’s Take:
“Kingston Introduces its SSDNow V Series drive to help organizations of all sizes and consumers enhance the performance of computers with a Serial ATA (SATA) interface. By improving a computer’s performance and durability, SSDNow V Series drives help increase productivity, and extend the life of existing computers.”