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Logitech G930 Wireless Gaming Headset @ Benchmark Reviews

DESCRIPTION: A great headset will change the way you think about sound. It all started when I upgraded to a Sapphire Radeon 7970. As it turns out, this dual-slot graphics card extended just enough to prevent the installation of my aftermarket sound card in the only remaining PCI slot. The Razer Carcharias headset I was using just didn’t sound the same with onboard sound, so it was off to find another solution – so I returned the 7970 and all was good. HA! Like any of us here at Benchmark Reviews would miss out on a perfectly valid chance to upgrade… Truth be told, I still felt like something was missing in my computing experience, so I set out to find another headset that would enhance the audio I enjoy – a worthy compliment to the enhanced visuals afforded by the Radeon 7970. That brings us to the Logitech G930 Wireless Gaming Headset – ladies and gentlemen, lend me your ears…


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