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MyDigitalSSD BP4 mSATA SSD Review (240GB) – Best Value Available For an SSD To Date

INFO:        Perhaps one of the hottest tech items to hit in the last year is the ultrabook, a laptop typically measuring under 1/2″ thick, weighing less than 3 lbs, having performance as high as 1GB/s transfer speeds and being capable of up to ten hours battery life. As new and amazing as the ultra is, the consumer also learned of the solid state drive and, more specifically, the mSATA SSD measuring 1/3 the size of a credit card, just over 3mm thick and weighing just under 7gm. As with any other new technology, such things as storage capacity are considered premium and, even now, we are seeing systems sell for as much as $500-$750 more, simply the result of a storage upgrade from 120 to 240GB. The smart consumer is one who buys the lower capacity system with full intent of upgrading the SSD themselves and, in doing so, saves themselves hundreds of dollars.

If you are one of these consumers, you have come to the right place because our SSD analysis today is on the newly available MyDigitalSSD BP4 240GB mSATA SSD, this SSD quite possibly being the best value for the money on the market right now.


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